Norris J is a native of urban Fort Worth, Texas who battled and conquered the same challenges as most teens in urban areas. Although he had a love for Hip-Hop music that provided him a niche for his positive creativity, basketball was his passion. When the vision of a professional career in basketball did not materialize, music became his vanguard. Norris J currently resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolis with his wife and three children. He is a Deacon and faithful member of the New Breed Christian Center in Fort Worth, TX under the leadership of Pastors Darrell and LaTonja Blair. Norris J has a sincere passion to uplift spirits, redirect knowledge to make better choices and to praise the Lord. NJ is known for his electrifying musical performances which empowers his audiences with words of wisdom and scriptures.
AMPS: What has Norris J been doing since our last interview?
Norris J: I’m still making good music and I have several events coming up. I just finished recording for the 32nd annual Martin Luther King Jr.’s celebration that will be aired on TV soon. I also collaborated with and am featured on Andrea Helms’ single “Clap Your Hands”. So, you can see that I am keeping busy.
AMPS: How was INJ Music created and what inspired you?
Norris J: From early on, I merged my Christian teachings with a Hip-Hop style to communicate my view. I created INJ Music to focus on inner city issues of youth and young adults through music. I am the CEO of INJ Music and I do have my own musical group. From the beginning, I focused more on developing myself as a relevant artist. As this aspect of INJ Music progresses, I am now looking to bring new artist under the INJ umbrella to launch their careers. I have always worn both hats.
AMPS: How is the CEO/Business side of INJ Music going for you?
Norris J: Everything is going really well for Norris J as CEO of INJ Music as well as Norris J the artist. More and more opportunities are opening up for me as an inspirational artist and these opportunities will open doors for INJ Music to expand and realize its vision. Keeping God in the forefront of all that I do and trusting in his word has afforded me blessings beyond what I could have imagined.
AMPS: Are there any upcoming projects that you want to share with your fans?
Norris J: I’m working with Harvest Music Group to produce a single. There is no release date as of yet. I’m also working on a Norris J single which should be released this summer and a couple of other singles to be released after that.
AMPS: What advice would you give a prospective artist beginning their career?
Norris J: I believe that absolute faith is essential in realizing any dream or vison. I also believe that one must provide the best product possible without comprise. These statements hold true regardless of the genre that is being pursed. I would also advise anyone to invest in yourself and not expect others to support your dream if you are not willing to step out on faith and put yourself on the line.
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